6 August 2020
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM CST
Registration for this event has closed

Execu-moms Sip & Discuss our Changing World (Executive Happy Hour)

Welcome executive moms to this small group discussion. As quickly as our world is changing, we aren't sure what will happen with schools, daycares, or nanny availability this fall or what our workplace or team formations will be. So the beginning of August seemed like the perfect time to share ideas, ask for advice, ...and share the funny stories of things our kids have done or we've experienced at work in the recent months. Bring your own meal and beverage to this small group discussion via Zoom. You'll walk away with new friends, funny stories, and tips for managing the life of an execu-mom and her family in our changing world.

Please note: registration for this event is for director level positions and above.

Registration information
Event is open to: HBA Members only
Online registration deadline: 07 August 2020
Onsite (walk -in) registration: Is Allowed

Featured Speakers

Shannon Cismoski
Director Procurement, Abbott
Suz O'Donnell
Managing Director, Thrivatize


Regular Registration$0.00 / €0.00 

Members receive up to 50 percent discount

Event Policies

Photography Policy
By registering for this event, you acknowledge that you may be photographed, videotaped, and/or audio-taped during the meeting and hereby give permission for your image, voice, or survey comments to be used in education, training, promotion, and/or trade and communications media by the Healthcare Businesswomen's Association in any and all media throughout the world, without restriction as to frequency or duration of usage.

COVID-19 Policy
The HBA requires that all persons who participate in in-person events do so at their own risk and that each participant agrees to the following agreement before taking part in the activity and urges all participants to act in such a manner as to protect their own safety and the safety of others.

By registering for this event, I fully understand that my participation in the program is purely voluntary. I desire to participate and agree to act reasonably and prudently under the circumstances. I further understand that any HBA volunteers participating in the activity will act individually and will not represent the HBA. As a condition to my participation the activity, I waive and release the HBA and their officers, employees, and agents from any claim that I may have for any damage to property or injury to my person that may result in whole or in part from my participation.

Special Needs Policy
The HBA will make reasonable modifications to policies and programs to ensure that people with special needs can enjoy all of its programs. Contact us if you require special accommodations for this event.